Digital Ghost Debris(VGC)  Digital 3D Object (AR view) ,  The Tides of Monumental Gesture , LUAN Gallery, 2024  [ large file size —desktop only from the web link (or on-site at LUAN, 2024), on mobile devices—2022 onwards] Scan the QR code with your
 Digital Ghost Debris (QV),  Digital 3D Object (AR view) ,  Self-Determination: A Global Perspective ,  Irish Museum Of Modern Art  (IMMA) 2023-2024  [ small file size —on mobile devices—2021 onwards]
 Digital Ghost Debris (QV),  Digital 3D Object (AR view) , Irish Museum Of Modern Art (IMMA), MOE Residency, 2023  [ large file size —desktop only from the web link (or on-site at IMMA, 2023), on mobile devices—2022 onwards]
 Digital Ghost Debris (GC),  Digital 3D Object (AR view),  Irish Museum Of Modern Art (IMMA), MOE Residency, 2023  [ large file size —desktop only from the web link (or on-site at IMMA, 2023), on mobile devices—2021 onwards. Scan the QR code with you
 Digital Ghost Debris (KGII),  Digital 3D Object (AR view) ,  191st Annual , The Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts (RHA), 2021  [ small file size —on mobile devices—2021 onwards]